About Recumbent Co

The Recumbent Company or Recumbent Co: recumbent.co

We are based in New Moonta, inland from Bundaberg, Queensland and cover from the top of NSW to the beaches and top of Queensland. We want to be able to help you discover what recumbent trikes are able to offer and quite a few other people have now found. Recumbent Co started simply by people asking us where do you get a recumbent locally.

In the start, local meant: it was likely a thousand kilometres or more to see one but not necessarily touch one.

Recumbent Co
Ok, better roads and more bypasses have meant it was soon only about 968 kilometres, but another event pushed the line back out to over 1,200 kilometres, another hour plus for the Sunshine Coast people while the more north were simply not there.

Enjoy being ALIVE

It seems we are considered to hang by our toes, down under here, or there are vague recollections of the convicts shipped away in bulk with really no need of such equipment as a recumbent trike. The reality is, our tyres still get flat where the rubber meets the road and we have some of the most beautiful spots on this planet to get outside and enjoy being alive.
The Recumbent Company - Recumbent Co -Queensland Recumbent - enjoy being alive

Something changed

…and more needed to change. Queensland needed Recumbents, so we did. Slowly at first and now catching up with the rest of the recumbent world. More than this though we have found there is a whole new world out there for many people who were before trapped with issues that made getting out and about an issue. More than just exercise or keeping fit, people are finding there are other freedoms that are open to negotiation, can be tempted out by funny little smiles escaping along side explanations like: “I was sure I could not do that… but!

People who have not ridden a pushbike for decades are finding pedals and seats can actually come in contact with their body and not hurt. Discovering these funny three wheel sporty vehicles don’t readily fall over, can make a world of difference for someone out just for sheer pleasure. That’s not to say there aren’t some of our visitors who’ve pushed hard to see what the “falling over” limits are! Dare to dream and make a move – it may be the start of a whole new life encounter!

If you have a simple balance issue, an upright trike may sound like the logical answer over a two wheel machine… After all, three wheels and they stand up on their own – but push them into a corner and it is a surprisingly different story. A recumbent trike on the other hand quite likes a good corner and is keen to exit as upright as it entered.

Thank you

The Recumbent Company - Recumbent Co - Recumbent.Co We have had fun and we have seen lots of smiles. Thank you.

We are now kept quite busy trying to figure out the next challenge. So you can help us find these new challenges, we’d like to make it easier for you to find us.

We operate under the name Queensland Recumbent but we have also registered the name Recumbent Company along with the domain name recumbent.co to compliment Recumbent Company (Recumbent Co) and make it easier to remember and less to write our web address: http://recumbent.co – www.recumbent.co or just: recumbent.co

We have a great location to come for test rides which can’t always be done in a busy city bus lane.

We understand and cater for many special needs riders who need some extra time and help to get the wheels rolling.