
While we try and provide up-to-date images of the different suppliers products, the product images shown are only indicative of the product supplied. Their design and colours change on a regular basis.
We provide links to the different suppliers so if a particular item’s looks are extremely important, please check the suppliers product page or ask us for some more information. If you are really particular about seeing what you get, come visit us and see the actual item. “A picture is worth a thousand words” …but to see, feel and sit on is immeasurably better.

Configuration prices from websites of overseas suppliers may not include freight to Australia (expensive, time consuming, frustrating) and may not included things like currency exchange rates and in country taxes (GST, Duty, AQIS fees and alike).

ICE Recumbent Trikes
Catrike from Queensland Recumbent Company Trikes
Hase Recumbent Trikes and Bikes
The Recumbent Company - Recumbent.Co